A little bit of background on my experience of this book, first. I have always heard positive things about Tamora Pierce’s writing, but I hadn’t picked up any of her books before this year. I did, however, have a copy of Will of the Empress, because I heard this was a lesbian young adult book, whichRead More
Danika reviews Twixt by Sarah Diemer
Sarah Diemer is an author that I am pretty familiar with from her online presence, but I’ve only read one book by her, The Dark Wife. One of my favourite Booktubers, Jessie Quinn from Cup of Books, reviewed Twixt pretty positively and recommended it as an October read, so I figured it would be a good one toRead More
Tag reviews Women On the Edge of Space: Lesbian Erotic Science Fiction Stories edited by Cecilia Tan and Danielle Bodnar
I have to admit that I’m not the biggest fan of science fiction. There are a million reasons: the cheese factor in sci-fi tends to be higher than my secondhand embarrassment can handle, it’s too sci and not enough fi, or too fi and not enough sci. Science fiction is a careful balance of gettingRead More
Kit reviews The Daughter Star by Susan Jane Bigelow
The Daughter Star / Susan Jane Bigelow Candlemark and Gleam, release date May 28 2013 (e-ARC) What a rotten way for everything to turn out. Freighter pilot Marta Grayline is grounded, trapped on her miserable home planet by an intrasystem war that’s separated her from her beautiful girlfriend, her career, and everything she loves. WhenRead More
Anna M. reviews Deep Deception by Cathy Pegau
Deep Deception is the third book in Cathy Pegau’s science fiction/romance series set on the chilly mining colony of Nevarro, after Rulebreaker and Caught in Amber. The latter features a m/f couple, and the former, which I reviewed here at the Lesbrary, was one of my favorite books of 2011. Deep Deception is scheduled forRead More
Casey reviews Y: The Last Man
You’d probably expect there to be never-ending lesbian action in a science-fiction series that imagines a post-apocalyptic world where all mammals with XY chromosomes have suddenly and en masse dropped dead. In the Y: The Last Man graphic novels, though, the women have a lot of other important things to do—you, know, like making sureRead More
Danika reviews Charm School Book One: Magical Witch Girl Bunny by Elizabeth Watasin
I’m very glad this book exists. It is adorable. It takes place in Little Salem, a magical place filled with monsters, faeries, and supernatural beings of all kinds. Bunny is a cute witch with a badass, butch, biker, vampire girlfriend, Dean. Their relationship is really sweet, and Dean is the quintessential swoonworthy bad boy butch.Read More
Danika reviews Tierra Del Fuego: Parting Shots
I haven’t read a lot of sci fi, and to be honest, I was little hesitant to start Parting Shots. I was pleasantly surprised! This is a complex book. Theoretically, the main character is Trevathan Evans, an officer and experienced space traveller. She has a tragic romantic past with a lover who was taken backRead More
Maryam reviews Zapocalypse: The Midnight Special by D. Dye
I feel as though Lesbian Zombie Literature is the new genre to look out for. We seem to have gotten quite a few books like this to review lately! D. Dye’s Zapocalypse: The Midnight Special appealed to me the most because it is set “in some hick-ass town deep in the swamps of southern Georgia”. Sounds about twoRead More
Laura Mandanas reviews Ash by Malinda Lo
The first chapter of Ash by Malinda Lo stopped me in my tracks. Lo’s writing here is not the type that should be read hurriedly — speed reading here would be like sprinting through the Taj Mahal, blindfolded, and calling it sightseeing. Such a waste! No, readers will do best to advance slowly. Pause. Ponder.Read More