
About the Lesbrary:

The Lesbrary is a book blog about sapphic books, with occasional coverage of other identities under the broad “doesn’t identify as a man and is at least some of the time attracted romantically and/or sexually to others who do not identify as a man” category. Lesbrary books don’t have to be written by a queer author, though it helps.

The Lesbrary is mostly made up of reviews, but also has features like Link Round Ups (a collection of all the latest lesbian and bi lit news and reviews) and guest posts.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at danikaellis at gmail with “Lesbrary” included in the subject.


The Lesbrary is made up of about a dozen reviewers at a time, but we also post guest reviews! If you would like to submit a review (or an interview with a queer woman or non-binary author, or other relevant content), email danikaellis at gmail with “Lesbrary” included in the subject.

If you would like to submit a book to be reviewed at the Lesbrary, please see the Review Policy page.

About the Lesbrarians:

Once upon a time it was just Danika at the Lesbrary. Now there’s a whole team of Lesbrarians! Danika still manages the Lesbrary, but the reviews are done by the whole team.

If you would like to join the Lesbrary as a regular reviewer (at least one review a month) and receive ebooks to review, email danikaellis at gmail with “Lesbrary” included in the subject.

Head Lesbrarian:

Danika Leigh Ellis (she or they): I live in BC, Canada. I’m an Associate Editor at Book Riot. I started the Lesbrary back in 2010!

I’m on TwitterYouTube, Goodreads, and the Lesbrary tumblr: Bi & Lesbian Literature!

My reviews are here.


Brigid: Brigid (she/her) is a nice, middle-aged, trans lady from New Jersey who reads sapphic contemporary romances by the hundreds while working on her PhD doing queer and feminist readings of the New Testament. Her favorite tropes are fake romance, toaster ovens, and friends-to-lovers, and when she’s not reading, she’s either doing something churchy or she’s doomscrolling. Feel free to doomscroll with her on Bluesky at @respitina.bsky.social

Brigid’s reviews can be found here.

Casey: Casey, aka the Canadian lesbrarian, is a bisexual writer with an MA in English who lives in Vancouver. When not reading queer Canadian lit or reviewing it for her blog, she’s teaching ESL, running, or drinking tea. But not at the same time. Find her on twitter.

Casey’s reviews can be found here.

Chloe: Chloe (they/he) is a public librarian in Baltimore, who identifies as Indigenous, autistic, and panromantic demisexual. They enjoy reading queer literature for any age group, as well as fantasy, contemporary, and romance. In their spare time, they act in local community theaters, play D&D, and are halfway through their MLiS program. You can find them on Goodreads, Twitter, or Instagram.

Chloe’s reviews can be found here.

Chris Ceary: Chris Ceary (she/they) is a psychology professor by day and a reviewer of all things queer media by night. They host the podcast Thirsty on Toon, which covers queer indie and small press media, as well as the podcasts Gotham Outsiders and Talking Comics. Chris can be found screaming about their latest reads across various social media sites linked at linktr.ee/themythofpsyche

Chris’s reviews can be found here.

Emory Rose: Emory Rose is a lover of the written word, especially all things whimsical, fantastical, and romantic. They regularly participate in National Novel Writing Month as well as NYC Midnight’s fiction writing challenges. They are fueled by sapphic novellas and chocolate.

Emory Rose’s reviews can be found here.

Ire: Ire (she/they) is a queer graduate student in their final semester of a creative writing program. When they’re not writing speculative fiction focused on grief, she can either be found working or reading science fiction (and, fine, the occasional soft romance). Her favorite literary device can be summed up as “time shenanigans.” They can be found on Twitter @urban_sith_.

Ire’s reviews can be found here.

Jamie Rose: Jamie Rose is a trans woman living in Florida (so you can imagine how that’s going right now). She has a PhD in Applied Linguistics and teaches courses in language learning and teaching. A lover of stories, she enjoys reading both comic books/graphic novels and the ones without pictures. Her favorite genres are contemporary romance, science fiction and fantasy, superheroes, and comedy. When she’s not reading or working, she’s usually playing table-top games or video games, binging YouTube videos, or spending time with her wife and daughter. Find her on Twitter, Instagram, Bluesky, and Threads at @jamiegeeksout

Jamie Rose’s reviews can be found here.

Jazelle: Jazelle is a bisexual, Palestinian, book-eating bat, avid reader, and writer fueled by coffee and powerful prose. When she’s not distracted by her black cats Luna (@LoveYaLunaCat on Insta) and CleoCatra, she’s reading queer YA, watching The Owl House with her girlfriend, or attempting to knit. You can find her on BookstagramGoodreadsStorygraph, and Tumblr

Jazelle’s reviews can be found here.

J.P.: J.P. is a lesbian who lives with her wife and son in the Southern U.S. She is a recovering lawyer who enjoys escaping the present timeline by reading and listening to sapphic books. She loves musical theater, actresses over 45, and a good old fashioned Ice Queen. The source of her greatest sadness is that Miranda Priestly is not a real person. Her favorite thing is coffee and reading on a rainy day…and daydreaming about opening a combination bookstore/coffee shop/florist. You can follow her book and life “thoughts” (thirsting for ice queens over 40) on Twitter @jmdklp.

J.P.’s reviews can be found here.

Kody: Kody (she/they) is a bisexual bookworm from Florida. After graduating with a BFA in printmaking straight into a pandemic, she rediscovered her love for reading. You can usually find them reading queer books (fantasy and romance, please) at a coffee shop, or continuing on their quest to make everything in their apartment pink. She can be found at @KodyReadsEverything on Instagram and Twitter, and on Goodreads.

Kody’s reviews can be found here.

Landice: Landice is an autistic lesbian graphic design student who lives on a tiny farm outside of a tiny town in rural Texas. Her favorite genres are sci-fi, fantasy & speculative fiction, and her favorite tropes are enemies-to-lovers, thawing the ice queen, & age gap romances. Landice drinks way too much caffeine, buys more books than she’ll ever be able to read, and dreams of starting her own queer book cover design studio one day.

You can find her as manicfemme on Bookstagram & Goodreads, and as manic_femme on Twitter. Her personal book blog is Manic Femme Reviews.

Landice’s reviews can be found here.

Larkie: Larkie is a west coast lesbian living with her girlfriend and cat. When she’s not reading every queer genre book she can get her hands on, she’s probably playing video games or taking pictures of mushrooms. More reviews are on Storygraph.

Larkie’s reviews can be found here.

Laurel: Laurel (she/her) is a Montreal-based lesbian book reviewer and lawyer. Her particular niche is horror, and her main goal in the book world is to get people to discover a love for the genre. However, she also dabbles in fantasy, romance, and YA contemporary — as long as it’s queer, and especially if there’s a butch character in it. You can find her on TikTok (@bardsandnoble), Twitter (@LaurelReads17), and Goodreads.

Laurel’s reviews can be found here.

Liv: Liv (she/her) is a trans woman, a professor of English, and a reluctant Southerner. Described (charitably) as passionate and strong-willed, she loves to talk (and talk) about popular culture, queer theory, utopias, time travel, and any other topic she has magpied over the years. You can find her on storygraph and letterboxd @livvalentine.

Liv’s reviews can be found here.

Lizzie B.: Lizzie is a femme non-binary (they/she) reader who loves anything weird, fantastical, and queer. You can find them predominantly on their instagram @creaturereader where they share pretty books and diverse recs.

Lizzie B.’s reviews can be found here.

Mallory Lass: By day Mallory is extremely passionate about higher education fundraising and by night she is a hype girl for all things Sacramento, CA and all things queerkru (especially fandom rarepairs). Her favorite trope is age-gap. She wishes she could read all the things and eat more ice cream, alas hermione refuses to lend out her time-turner. Give her a follow on twitter@datalover916 or over on tumblr.

Mallory’s reviews can be found here.

Meagan Kimberly: Meagan Kimberly is a Latinx writer, poet, traveler, and reader who identifies as bisexual. She holds a B.A. in creative writing from UCF and an M.B.A. in marketing from NSU. When she’s not engaged in the aforementioned activities, she can be found yelling and crying at her TV over fictional people that break her heart. You can find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr, or follow her blog here.

Meagan Kimberly’s reviews can be found here.

Mims: Mims (she/her) is an Asian neurodivergent pansexual who is best known for being a longtime escapist, fanfic enthusiast, and a serial rereader of favorites. Too busy looking for new worlds to explore in fantasy novels and historical fiction, this book witch only has time for the weird and the absurd. But if you leave a trail of hurt/comfort, angst with a happy ending, and found family then you might just be able to catch her attention. You may find her haunting the following places: Her BlogGoodreadsInstagram, and X (formerly Twitter).

Mims’s reviews can be found here.

Nat: Nat Harry is a product of the English major to service industry pipeline. A Bay Area based writer, cocktail slinger, and wine & spirits professional, Nat also writes queer speculative fiction and suspense. They live with their wife, two rowdy dogs, and a cat named Smaug. Nat’s a sucker for sapphic romance and will follow up any book recommendation with, “But is it gay?” You can find them on Twitter at @nyatattack or talking about cocktails at drinkapotamus.com.

Nat’s review can be found here.

Rachel Friars: Rachel Friars is a creative writer and academic living in Canada, dividing her time between Ontario and New Brunswick. When she’s not writing short fiction, she’s reading every queer novel she can find. Rachel holds two degrees in English literature and is currently pursuing a PhD in nineteenth-century lesbian literature and history. You can find Rachel on Twitter @MsBookishBeauty or on Goodreads @Rachel Friars.

Rachel Friars’s reviews can be found here.

Raquel R. Rivera: Raquel (she/her/ella) is a Latina lawyer and lady lover from New Jersey.  She is in a lifelong love affair with books and earned countless free personal pan pizzas from the Pizza Hut BOOK IT! program as a kid to prove it.

Raquel R. Rivera’s reviews can be found here.

Shelby: Shelby (she/her) is a reader, writer, and actor based out of Louisville, Kentucky. When she’s not emoting on the page or stage, Shelby enjoys traveling, hiking, and in general, being a silly goose. You can find her on Bookstagram @storytimewithshellbee or Booktok @storytimewithshellbee

Shelby’s reviews can be found here.

Susan: Susan is a queer library assistant from England. She has degrees in both Ancient History and Librarianship, and not enough shelves to hold all of her library books and video games. She can also be found on twitter or writing for Lady Business.

Susan’s reviews can be found here.

Susanne: Susanne Salehi (she/they) is a queer writer of Iranian descent and former Memphian residing in the Atlanta suburbs with their partner and two cats. She’s a Taurus, sticker collector, puzzle fiend, and all around cozy creature who spends her free time reading, cross stitching, and gardening. Their do-for-dollars work is in the nonprofit field. They completed an MA in applied anthropology many moons ago and are a current MFA student at Emerson College, busy writing the epic sapphic heroes they’ve always wanted to see. You can find her at susannesalehi.com or @susannesalehi

Susanne’s reviews can be found here.

9 Replies to “About”

  1. Karelia Stetz-Waters

    I can tell I am going to love this blog. I am always looking for good lesbian fiction to read. Thanks for bringing this together. I love the blog header, by the way. Did one of the lesbrarians do the art herself? It’s great.

  2. sjpowers1

    This is a great site! I too am also looking for good lesbian fiction to read.

    I wish I had time to review! I’m a working on my book of short stories that are a mix of straight and LBGT stories. Do you review in advance of publication? Well no matter, I’m going to look at everything you have here!

    1. danikaellis Post author

      This list only includes reviewers who want to have a biography included, so it isn’t a complete list. That being said, we are always looking for more reviewers of color as well as trans reviewers and disabled reviewers. About once a year I actively put out a call for reviewers and prioritize applications by reviewers of color and other marginalized groups, but we also accept applications all year. For my next call for reviewers, I hope to expand my network and diversify the voices featured even more. Thank you for the reminder to push the Lesbrary to do better!


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