Affiliate Link You Don’t Have A Shot is sapphic soccer-rivals-to-lovers perfection set in present-day Southern California. If you’re still mourning the fact that the Women’s World Cup is over or you agree that “fútbol is life” a la Danny Rojas from Ted Lasso (but with a queer Latina twist), this book is for you!Read More
Meagan Kimberly reviews A Lot Like Adiós by Alexis Daria
Amazon Affiliate Link | Affiliate Link Gabe and Michelle had been best friends since childhood. As they grew into teenagers, their feelings took a turn toward romantic, but before they did anything about it, Gabe left. Over 10 years later, Michelle works as a freelance marketing specialist in the Bronx and Gabe owns aRead More
Nat reviews Sour Grapes by Eliza Lentzski
If you’re mostly familiar with Eliza Lentzski from her Don’t Call Me Hero series (which I really loved) you’ll notice this is quite a departure from that grittier, mysterious style and more in keeping with the contemporary vibe of her more recent novels, including The Woman in 3B. Sour Grapes was an especially fun readRead More
Meagan Kimberly reviews Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Córdova
Amazon Affiliate Link | Affiliate Link Alejandra Mortiz wants nothing to do with her magic, so she tries to get rid of it, resulting in catastrophe. Putting her trust in a brujo named Nova sends her on the path to nearly losing her family. She must travel to the magical realm of Los LagosRead More
Danika reviews I’m a Wild Seed: My Graphic Memoir on Queerness and Decolonizing the World by Sharon Lee De La Cruz
I’m a Wild Seed is a short graphic memoir exploring the author’s exploration of her identity. It’s about how her “coming into queerness,” but it’s also about her relationship to her racial identity and decolonizing gender and sexuality. Because this is so short, it often reminded me more of an in-depth essay than a graphic memoir–that’sRead More
7 Young Adult Sapphic Books With Latinx Representation
The sapphic spectrum runs far and wide, which is why it’s important to remember to add a little diversity to your reading list. You may have missed some of these spectacular reads as your never-ending TBR pile grows. Diamond City and Shadow City by Francesca Flores Two for one! The first book in the DiamondRead More
Shannon reviews Labyrinth Lost by Zoraida Cordova
Labyrinth Lost is the first book in Zoraida Cordova’s captivating young adult series entitled Brooklyn Brujas, and it’s one I didn’t expect to fall head over heals for. In 2019, I picked the book up, but couldn’t seem to concentrate on the story. I eventually put it down, deciding it just wasn’t the book forRead More
Danika reviews This is How We Fly by Anna Meriano
I want to start by being clear that this does not have a sapphic main character, but it does have multiple sapphic side characters and subplots, which is why I’m reviewing it here. If you still have complicated nostalgic feelings for Harry Potter, but you also want to read a book that says “Fuck TERFs”Read More
Meagan Kimberly reviews Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado
In this collection of short stories, Carmen Maria Machado does what skilled horror writers do best: she examines real-world beliefs through a lens that highlights that real horror isn’t monsters, but our own societies. This collection grapples with the trauma and horror women and women’s bodies are put through by a patriarchal society that wantsRead More
Danika reviews Stage Dreams by Melanie Gillman
I love Melanie Gillman’s art. The use pencil crayons, and the detail is incredible. I always spend half the time reading their books just admiring landscapes. In Stage Dreams, Grace is in a stage coach, on the run. The coach is being driven through an area that’s being haunted by the Ghost Hawk, a supernatural giantRead More