Carmilla is a lesbian vampire story that predates Dracula by decades. It’s a story I’ve come back to over and over, in the same conflicted way that I am drawn to lesbian pulp. In fact, I wrote a post about queer culture’s tendency to reclaim toxic representation, and how Carmilla and lesbian pulp fits into that. On the one hand, it’sRead More
Where to Start Reading Lesbian Gothic
Haunted mansions! Thunder and lightning! Brooding antiheroes! Women running down corridors wearing long white gowns! I love the tropes of Gothic literature: they’re campy, they’re spooky, they’re sexy. What more could you possibly want from a genre? Well, sapphic romance, obviously. As it happens, the Gothic is a pretty gay genre to begin with. ItsRead More
Maggie reviews Deathless Divide by Justina Ireland
I really enjoyed Justina Ireland’s Dread Nation, and it is on my rec shortlist when people want fantasy or YA recs. So when I walked by the sequel in stores I was incredibly excited at A) the fact that it was out and B) how amazing the cover is. The complete drama of those outfitsRead More
Bee reviews Unspeakable: A Queer Gothic Anthology edited by Celine Frohn
This book had me in two words: queer. Gothic. I have long-held passions in both areas. The gothic is the realm of the outsider, the rejected, the monstrous. It lends itself to queer interpretation–and that is mostly what queer gothic is. Just interpretation. The height of gothic literature was, of course, the 18th and 19th Centuries, beginning with TheRead More
Susan reviews Essex Colony by Lia Cooper
Lia Cooper’s Essex Colony has the set up of a really cool survival horror movie: the first colony on Essex Prime went radio-silent almost a year ago. Soran Ingram, an AI whose lover was the Executive Officer of the colony, is part of the crew sent to investigate–only to discover that most of the colonistsRead More
Susan reviews White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi
White is for Witching by Helen Oyeyemi is a surreal, lyrical horror novel that follows generations of women haunted by their racist, xenophobic house, which wants to keep them all inside its walls forever. The story loops forwards and backwards through time to tell their stories and the house’s. The language and imagery are beautiful,Read More
Sash S. reviews Wilder Girls by Rory Powers
“The Tox took teacher after teacher. Rules crumbling to dust and fading away, until only the barest bones were left.” Body horror. Boarding school. Queer girls. Wilder Girls promises a lot of cool things. Marketed as ‘a feminist Lord of the Flies’, one expects a grimdark pastiche of Enid Blyton’s Malory Towers, mixed with comfortingly familiarRead More
Bee reviews Wilder Girls by Rory Power
Spoiler Warning Trigger Warnings: body horror, gore, violence The things I heard about Wilder Girls before I picked it up: Lord of the Flies-esque, but with girls Body horror Secrets and lies Queer girls And needless to say, I was sold. If the ethereal and captivatingly disturbing cover weren’t enough, these tidbits promised something darkRead More
Emily Joy reviews The Daylight Gate by Jeannette Winterson
Trigger warnings for sexual assault and pedophilia I must first admit that I am new to Jeanette Winterson’s books. Previously, I’ve only read Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit, and I know that she is a well-known lesbian author. Otherwise, I don’t know much. I picked up The Daylight Gate because I wanted to knowRead More
Ren reviews Alice Isn’t Dead by Joseph Fink
This novel was a delight. I’m a big fan of Welcome to Night Vale, and so I was over the moon to discover that creator Joseph Fink had written a book about a trucker in search of her missing-presumed-dead wife. I expected dark wit. I expected oddities galore. I expected to laugh. And while I did experienceRead More
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