One of the challenges of finding a queer community is not only connecting with your people, but also unearthing your history. Queer people have always existed, but our existence has been covered up and buried. It can feel like we have no history, which is alienating. All Out is a much-needed book, because it locates queer peopleRead More
Rachel reviews Ash by Malinda Lo
Anyone into lesbians living in a fantasy/medieval world should pick up this Cinderella retelling, Ash by Malinda Lo. Having read it twice, I’m very impressed with the details and the culture of this beautiful novel. In a fantasy world, young Aisling “Ash” has lost her mother. Before she can properly grieve, her father leaves onRead More
Audrey reviews Ash by Malinda Lo
Oh, wow! I’ve finally gotten to my first Malinda Lo book. It will not be the last. Ash is a retelling of Cinderella. It’s twisty, it has a fair amount of the fair folk, and it has some great love interests. It’s also one of those books I knew would already have been reviewed aRead More
Danika reviews Natural Selection (Adaptation 1.5) by Malinda Lo
Natural Selection is a novella connected to the Adaptation duology, and it provides a little bit of backstory for Amber Grey. Each chapter switches between two different social occasions in her life: one a school camping trip on Earth, the other a coming-of-age ceremony on Kurra. Together they explain how Amber chose her identity, and howRead More
Danika reviews Inheritance by Malinda Lo [Spoiler-Free for Adaptation!]
As you may recall, I read Adaptation by Malinda Lo about a month ago and really, really enjoyed it. Easily one of the best YA I’ve ever read, nevermind queer YA. So I was excited to pick up and the next and final book in the duology (I originally thought it was a trilogy and wasRead More
Danika reviews Adaptation by Malinda Lo
I read Malinda Lo’s Ash and Huntress in the past, and though I enjoyed them, they didn’t stick out as favourites in my memory. So though Adaptation came out with lots of great reviews, and I picked up a copy soon after it was published, I didn’t actually get around to reading it until a couple days ago, after itRead More
Katie Raynes reviews Ash by Malinda Lo
I’d encountered numerous mentions of Malinda Lo’s Ash, a retelling of Cinderella, long before I bought a copy. It’s always on lists of fantasy fiction with lesbian protagonists and from what I’ve seen, it enjoys a lot of popularity and good reviews. I bought it hoping to find a professional, lush retelling of a fairyRead More
Laura reviews Adaptation by Malinda Lo
Publisher’s Blurb: Reese can’t remember anything from the time between the accident and the day she woke up almost a month later. She only knows one thing: She’s different now. Across North America, flocks of birds hurl themselves into airplanes, causing at least a dozen to crash. Thousands of people die. Fearing terrorism, the UnitedRead More
Kit reviews Huntress by Malinda Lo
Huntress / Malinda Lo Little Brown and Company, 2011 If you could change your fate…would you? Argh, wait. Wrong story. At its heart, all the same, Malinda Lo’s Huntress is a beautifully written, sometimes strangely distant story that tackles fate, free will, and the joy of a journey. Two girls study at The Academy—a wrought-ironRead More
Guest Lesbrarian Erica reviews Adaptation by Malinda Lo
The night I finished reading lesbian author Malinda Lo’s third young adult novel, Adaptation, I dreamt of plane crashes, government conspiracy cover-ups, and my new, super-natural ability to hear the most minute of sounds. In short, it was a restless night—but so worth it. Adaptation takes place in post-9/11 America in the not too distanceRead More