I’m definitely behind in showing off my new les/etc books! Oh well, here are the stack of Jane Rule books I’ve acquired. I think I’ll address these all at once, because I’m excited for them as a whole more than as individual books.
Jane Rule is legendary in lesbian fiction. She wrote Desert of the Heart (still on my TBR shelves!), the classic lesbian book that was made into a movie. She was also Canadian–from BC, in particular–so that’s extra awesome in my opinion. She was an activist for free speech and gay rights. I think of her work as something I need to read as part of being a well-read lesbian.
Have you read any of Jane Rule’s books? What did you think of them?
bookish butch says
An amazing woman. Desert of The Heart you must read, it’s so good. Just so you know it’s nothing like The Well Of Loneliness(ugh!) I also read Contract with the World, which I did not like so much, my opinion, however was a minority in my book club. The movie is a classic, I’ve seen it so many times I know some of the lines by heart. Promise me you will watch it but, read the book first
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Glad to hear another good review! I just have so many books I’m desperately wanting to get to… but it’s definitely on the list!
Oh, yes, I’m 100% a book first person. I’m looking forward to seeing the movie, but I’ll be reading it first.
kiranerys101 says
Memory Board is my favorite by far, and some of the stories/essays in Outlander are also great.
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Even over Desert Hearts? Interesting. I should really dedicate a month or something to just her books.