I mean, sure, we watch lesbian TV shows and movies, read lesbian books, hang out with lesbians, and date/have sex with women… but is that enough? Isn’t there any way to do more things gay? Not to worry, I am here to help.
Lesbian cooking!
The Lesbian Erotic Cookbook by Ffiona Morgan
the butch cookbook by Lee Lynch (Author, Editor), Nel Ward (Author, Editor), Sue Hardesty (Author, Editor, Illustrator), and Marion Moir (Illustrator)
Cookin’ With Honey: What Literary Lesbians Eat edited by Amy Scholder
The Queer Cookbook: A Fully-Guided Tour to the Secrets of Success in the Homosexual Kitchen! by Donna Clark (Author, Compiler), David Shenton (Illustrator)
Okay, so you’ve mastered the art of lesbian cooking/eating. You know how to make gluten-free, fair trade, vegan chocolate-chip cookies. But there has to be more! Of course there is.
Lesbian travel!
Lesbian Travels: A Literary Companion by Lucy Jane Bledsoe
The Queerest Places: A National Guide to Gay and Lesbian Historic Sites by Paula Martinac
The Rough Guide to Gay & Lesbian Australia edited by Neal Drinnan
Lesbian photography!
Nothing but the Girl: The Blatant Lesbian Image edited by Susie Bright and Jill Posener
Stolen Glances: Lesbians Take Photographs edited by Tessa Boffin and Jean Fraser
Lesbian writing!
Lavender Ink – Writing and Selling Lesbian Fiction by Fran Walker
Putting Out: The Essential Publishing Resource for Lesbian and Gay Writers by Edisol W. Dotson
Lesbian gardening!
Garden Variety Dykes: Lesbian Traditions in Gardening edited by Irene Reti and Valerie Jean Chase
Lesbian sports!
Strong Women, Deep Closets: Lesbians and Homophobia in Sport by Pat Griffin
And, of course, you need your mandatory lesbian haircut.
The History of Lesbian Hair by Mary Dugger
Now go! Gay up your life! I love that obscure lesbian books like this exist.
Wonderful collection! Many of these I’ve not seen before. Thanks!
I’m glad you like them! Clearly there are some gaps that need to be filled, though. I couldn’t find anything on lesbian architecture.
Thanks for the blog. You might want to add the Over the Rainbow Project from ALA GLBTRT. It’s an annual list of recommended LGBT books. http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/rts/glbtrt/otr/index.cfm
It’s added now, thanks for the tip!
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Awesome! I do actually fancy getting the Stolen Glances photography book. Andy wants one of the lesbian cookery books, but I think that’s going too far.
I really wouldn’t mind any of these (well, some of the travel and publishing ones are out of date), as oddly specific as they are. The cooking ones seems especially fun.