I’m definitely trying to get this down to a weekly affair, but since exams and the ends of classes ate my life, here are the links that have been piling up.
The site Rainbow Reviews is closing December 31st, as reported by Lambda Literary.
The cast for the BBC adaptation of Sarah Waters’s The Night Watch has been announced. Read about it at Lesbilicious, BBC, theBookseller, and Dorothy Surrenders.
The Rainbow Awards of 2010 have been announced!
AfterEllen posted
- Across the Page: Suggestions to get you through the holidays
- Comics ‘n’ Things: Queer identities in comics
- recommendations for LGBT parenting books from Dana of Mombian.com
- 2010 Year in Review: Books
Autostraddle posted Read A F*cking Book Club #2 – Let’s Read The IHOP Papers!
Bookish Butch posted her top 10 2010 reads.
GLBT Promo Blog posted an excerpt of Beguiled by Paisley Smith and about Phaze holiday sale (on until Jan 2).
GLBT Reading posted a guest post about the Indie Literary Awards (including the GLBTQ award) and a guest post titled the Benefits of Segregation.
I’m Here. I’m Queer. What the Hell Do I Read? posted a guest post by Lauren Bjorkman titled “YALSA Celebrates Diversity!” and a post about GLBTQ stories in the Bible.
Kissed By Venus posted Stranger Than Fiction: the relationship between lesbian writing and lesbian life.
Lambda Literary posted
- Kahn receives Chesley Foundation Award
- an interview with Kathe Koja
- the Jill Johnston memorial
- LGBT Authors Ally With Borders on World AIDS Day-San Francisco
- Book Buzz #24 December 2010
- 2010 Holiday Gift Guide
- an interview with LOVE the poet
- Cliterotica: Winter 2010
- Support Lambda Literary Foundation’s New Initiatives for 2011
- The Year in Queer Poetry
- 2010 in Review: Gays & the Military
Lesbian Life, at About.com posted Best Lesbian Erotica 2011.
Lesbilicious posted Lesbian heroines from history #13: Anne Lister.
PrideSource posted Book Marks: By Nightfall, Missed Her, The Right to Be Out: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity in America.
QueerType posted its December Publishing Notes.
Readings in Lesbian & Bisexual Women’s Fiction posted
- an interview with Cheri Chrystal
- an interview with Clifford Henderson
- a survey
- an interview with Lynn Kear
- HELP! – I need feedback
- an interview with Nora Olsen
Women and Words posted
- a guest post by Fay Jacobs
- an excerpt from the book Far Seek Chronicles by Andi Marquette
- improv by author Clifford Henderson
A post about Class S manga was posted on A Geek Writing About Geek Life.
The Best LGBT Books of 2010: 80 Authors Select Their Favourites was posted at Band of Thebes.
A Guide to Reviewing GLBTQ Books was posted at Bonjour, Cass!
A thread about genderqueer/lesbian fiction is at AskMetafilter, as is a thread about SF/F books with lesbian main characters.
The End of LGBT Bookstores: A New Era For Equality? was posted at WGLB.
From Corsets to Camping: A Lens of Fine Lesbian Fiction was posted at Squidoo.
A video of Dorothy Allison discussing her book Bastard Out of Carolina in a video at Red Room.
Alison Bechdel was interviewed at Writer’s House.
Ivan Coyote was named one of University of Winnipeg’s 6 writers in residence, as reported at Winnipeg Free Press. She also posted the article Flying while butch.
Gabriella Goliger posted some of the text of a presentation about her book Girl Unwrapped at Aresenalia.
Malindo Lo posted about the fate of the prince in her novel Ash and an update of her giveaway of copies of Ash. The companion book to Ash called Huntress is being published in the UK by Atom Books in May 2011.
Eileen Myles was interviewed at bookforum.com and Lambda Literary.
Sapphire’s second novel has been acquired by Penguin Press, as reported at the Book Case, Lambda Literary, and After Ellen.
Sarah Waters shared some advice on writing at Writer At Work.
Jeanette Winterson has withdrawn support for politician Nick Clegg.
Links to reviews are under the cut.
Neighbors by Victor J. Banis was reviewed at Three Dollar Bill Reviews.
Turning the Page by Georgia Beers was reviewed at Loving Venus – Loving Mars.
The Big Bang Symphony by Lucy Jane Bledsoe was reviewed at Elevate Difference.
My Invented Life by Lauren Bjorkman was reviewed at Lucy Was Robbed.
Trout Recipe by Ellen Carey was reviewed at Lesbian Fiction Reviews.
Missed Her by Ivan Coyote was reviewed at Bonjour, Cass!, BC Bookworld, Telegraph Journal, Page One Book, Amy Reads, Broken Pencil, and The Notes Taken.
River Walker by Cate Culpepper was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
The Carousel by Stefani Deoul was reviewed at Amy Reads.
Landing by Emma Donoghue was reviewed at Bonjour, Cass!
Point of Ignition by Erin Dutton was reviewed at Loving Venus – Loving Mars.
Wildthorn by Jane Eagland was reviewed at Forward: Feminists With Disabilities.
The Salbine Sisters by Sarah Ettritch was reviewed at Bibrary Bookslut.
Surpassing the Love of Men: Romantic Friendship and Love between Women from the Renaissance to the Present by Lillian Faderman was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Shadow of the Knife by Jane Fletcher was reviewed at Drifting through the Cosmos.
Annie On My Mind by Nancy Garden was reviewed at things mean a lot, Not Just for Independent Reading Anymore, Reviews By Lola, and Wandering Librarians.
Hear Us Out edited by Nancy Garden was reviewed at A Books Blog.
Lesbian Lust: Erotic Stories edited by Sacchi Green was reviewed at Elevate Difference.
Love Is A Map I Must Not Set On Fire by Carol Guess was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Whatever Gods May Be by Sophia Kell Hagin was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Gay Shame edited by David M. Halperin & Valerie Traub was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Get That Freak: Homophobia and Transphobia in High School by Rebecca Haskell & Brian Burtch was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Joy Is So Exhausting by Susan Holbrook was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Where We Stand: Class Matters by bell hooks was reviewed at Writers of Color 50 Book Challenge.
The Keeper’s Chronicles by Tanya Huff was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Above Temptation by Karin Kallmaker was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Stepping Stones by Karin Kallmaker was reviewed at Dear Author.
A Grave Talent by Laurie R. King was reviewed at Loving Venus – Loving Mars.
Mother Load by KG MacGregor was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Fever of the Bone by Val McDermid was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Taking Flight by Laurel Mills was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Strangers In Paradise vol. 3 by Terry Moore was reviewed at Stella Matutina.
Strangers In Paradise vols. 4, 5, and 6 by Terry Moore were reviewed at Stella Matutina.
Loving in the War Years by Cherríe Moraga was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Inferno (a poet’s novel) by Eileen Myles was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Keeping You A Secret by Julie Anne Peters was reviewed at LGBT Books.
Rage: A Love Story by Julie Anne Peters was reviewed at Zoe’s Book Reviews.
Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families Under the Law by Nancy Polikoff’ was reviewed at Future Feminist Librarian-Activist.
Water Mark by J.M. Redmann was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Red Satin & Third Rail by Giselle Renarde was reviewed at Bibrary Bookslut.
Ugly Naked People by Giselle Renard was reviewed at Three Dollar Bill Reviews.
A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far: Poems 1978-1981 and An Atlas of the Difficult World: Poems 1988-1991 by Adrienne Rich were reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Desert of the Heart by Jane Rule was reviewed at Desperate Reader.
If Not, Winter by Sappho was reviewed at The Zen Leaf.
Trouble and Her Friends by Melissa Scott was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
The Pretty Little Liars series was reviewed at Bonjour, Cass!
Beguiled by Paisley Smith was reviewed at Loving Venus – Loving Mars.
The Long Way Home by Rachel Spangler was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Chick Band by Rakelle Valencia was reviewed at Bibrary Bookslut.
Oracles: A Pilgrimage by Catherynne M. Valente was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Palimpsest by Catherynne M. Valente was reviewed at Queer Authors 50 Book Challenge.
Dear John, I Love Jane: Women Write About Leaving Men for Women edited by Candace Walsh and Laura Andre was reviewed at Lambda Literary.
Affinity by Sarah Waters was reviewed at My Tragic Right Hip and You’ve GOTTA read this!
The Night Watch and Fingersmith by Sarah Waters were reviewed at pulpetti.
Fingersmith by Sarah Waters was reviewed at Here, There, and Everywhere 2nd edition, Kristin’s 101 Things, Babbette’s Book Blog, Mystica, The Literary Omnivore, The Independent Book Review, and reviewed beside The Woman in White at Books I Done Read.
Tipping the Velvet by Sarah Waters was reviewed at Postcards From Roughly The Middle, We Be Reading, and The Dismantled Library.
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson was reviewed at Don’t Let Me Be Understood.
Sexing the Cherry by Jeanette Winterson was reviewed at Katherine’s Bookworm Blog.
The Stone Gods by Jeanette Winterson was reviewed at Cogito Ergo Sum.
Hard Love by Ellen Wittlinger was reviewed at Reading in Color.
Rie says
I swear, you don’t sleep, you just find queer lit on the net
(PS: I did About a girl on FODW: http://friendofdorothywilde.blogspot.com/2010/11/about-girl-by-joanne-horniman_26.html The author, who’s linked in the comments, might be somebody interesting to interview
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Yes, these link roundups began as a way to combine posts and therefore save time and ended with these ridiculously huge posts. The Lesbrary: scouring the internet for les/etc lit so you don’t have to.
Oooh, I definitely want to read that book now. Thanks for the link! I’ll inquire about an interview once my life slows down a little.
allis says
Thanks a lot for all those links
I’ve missed those weekly link roundup.
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Thank you! I had no idea that people would react so well to these link round ups, so I’ll definitely keep them up.
tara says
thank you for these, it gives me lots to read over winter break
the Ariel Schrag post was fascinating, since I am a super big fan of queer comics!
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Thank you!
Who doesn’t love queer comics? I’m always looking for more. They’re so much fun.
amymckie says
Wow, enough links here to keep me busy for days and days, thanks!!
Danika the Lesbrarian says
Thank you! Yep, they really add up!