Another guest lesbrarian post! I love these. Please, please feel free to submit your own! Thank you, Shanna! “‘And those awful rumors the students are spreading,’ Laura continued in a whisper. ‘Half the student body should be in the care of a psychiatrist, in my opinion.’” So, at one point in my not-too-distant history, IRead More
Joint Review with Rie: Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole
Rie of Friend of Dorothy Wilde was kind enough to read Down to the Bone by Mayra Lazara Dole with me, and then we discussed it together. I tried to mark the spoilers (ones just marked “spoilers” are just for Down to the Bone, and spoilers for other books are indicated) so that you haveRead More
Danika reviews Two or Three Things I Know for Sure by Dorothy Allison
I love this book. Love, love, love. If you’re a lesbian book fan, and I’d be pretty surprised if you’re reading this and aren’t, you’ve probably heard of Dorothy Allison’s lesbian classic Bastard Out of Carolina. I haven’t read that one yet, but I’ve been wanting to for a long time, so when Two orRead More
Guest Lesbrarian: allis
Hooray, a guest lesbrarian! We haven’t had one of those for a while. This review is from allis, and you can find her on Livejournal here. Thanks, allis! Women of Mystery: An Anthology by Katherine V. Forrest As the title let it guess, all those stories have female lead character, usually lesbian character, and all theRead More
Why Lesbian Fiction Still Matters
Here’s a link I’m a week late in posting about. Over at Mid Leap: Tales of a Wandering Lesbian, Kristin has posted a great answer to why lesbian fiction is still relevant, and who so many lesbians seek out lesbian fiction. Read her response here. I, obviously, really enjoy reading books with lesbian characters, andRead More
Top Ten Fictional Lesbian Heroes
Kissed by Venus has a great new post by Catherine Lundoff about her top ten lesbian protagonists. I know I liked Molly from Rita Mae Brown’s Rubyfruit Jungle and Dylan from Beth Goobie’s Hello, Groin, off the top of my head. I think I liked Mike from Julie Anne Peter’s Far From Xanadu, too. IRead More
Danika reviews Crocodile Soup by Julia Darling
The blurbs and back cover of this book, I think, completely misrepresent its tone. The back cover seems to imply zany fun times, but though Crocodile Soup is written with humor, I wouldn’t really call it chipper. The main character, Gert, is a lesbian and the present time plot of the story is mostly aboutRead More
Danika reviews This One’s Going to Last Forever by Nairne Holtz
I wasn’t sure how to sum up This One’s Going to Last Forever, so here’s the blurb: This One’s Going to Last Forever reflects both the naïve optimism of those who have yet to learn about love — and the cynicism of those who feel that by now they should know better. Clara, a universityRead More
Guest Lesbrarian: Emily
For Once, Being Gay Isn’t the Problem Most lesbian literature to date, it seems, details the common struggles of coming out and of dealing with the consequences of being a homosexual in a heterosexual world. Not Ash, the new teen novel by former editor Malinda Lo. A revisionist Cinderella novel complete with pagan holidaysRead More
Lesbrary Review: The Guide to Lesbian Sex by Jude Schell
I just wanted to start off this post to say that, believe it or not, I got this book from my local library. Yes, my library is awesome. Anyways, on to the book review. If you’re looking for a practical how-to guide to lesbian sex, this isn’t it. The Guide to Lesbian Sex is mostlyRead More