In Haley Cass’s latest release, The Snowball Effect, she brings readers back to the world of Sutton Spencer’s and Charlotte Thompson’s New York City (from Those Who Wait). This time, though, the story focuses on Regan, Sutton’s upbeat best friend, and Emma, Sutton’s more reserved graduate school classmate, as they navigate life as unlikely roommates. WhileRead More
Making The Future Gay: The Five Things I Checked out From the Queer Liberation Library
Recently, a nonprofit in Massachusetts put out an exclusively queer book collection on Libby called the Queer Liberation Library (also known as QLL). Their mission is simple: by providing queer people with diversity-focused literature and resources, QLL is building a future that is undeniably queer. This collection of e-materials is available to anyone with an email address,Read More
Kait reviews When You Least Expect It by Haley Cass
Amazon Affiliate Link | Affiliate Link This is my first review for the Lesbrary, and I know that a review is only as useful inasmuch as you, the reader, agree with (or at least know the tastes of) the reviewer. If I, a total rando with no other qualifications than my sexual preference andRead More