Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! “There is another girl / on this planet / who is my kin. / My father / lied to me / every day of my life. / [ . . . ] I want to put my fingers / against my sister’s cheek. /Read More
Jamaican Joan of Arc: So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! I first saw Kamilah Cole describe her debut, So Let Them Burn, as a Jamaican Joan of Arc, which was enough to grab my attention even before the book had a cover. To be more specific, So Let Them Burn is the first book in a YARead More
Making The Future Gay: The Five Things I Checked out From the Queer Liberation Library
Recently, a nonprofit in Massachusetts put out an exclusively queer book collection on Libby called the Queer Liberation Library (also known as QLL). Their mission is simple: by providing queer people with diversity-focused literature and resources, QLL is building a future that is undeniably queer. This collection of e-materials is available to anyone with an email address,Read More
A Slow-Burn Romance About Rival Cartoonists: Outdrawn by Deanna Grey
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! The dedication at the start of Outdrawn by Deanna Grey reads, “For oldest daughters who have become creatives obsessed with perfection.” This perfectly encapsulates this slow-burn rivals-to-lovers romance about the importance of valuing yourself and finding people who value you. Noah Blue is an up-and-coming cartoonistRead More
Witches Under Modern Systems of Oppression: How to Succeed in Witchcraft by Aislinn Brophy
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! At the top of the T.K. Anderson Magical Magnet School’s leaderboard is Shay Johnson. One of the most impressive and successful witches among her peers, this almost guarantees her the coveted Brockton Scholarship which would allow her to register to the university of herRead More
An Underrated Fantasy Western: The Good Luck Girls by Charlotte Nicole Davis
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! I am actually going to talk about two books in this review, because while I thought the first book was fantastic, it was not until I finished the sequel that I fully realized exactly how good I thought these books were. The Good LuckRead More
Sapphic Books by Black Authors Out in 2024
It’s Black History Month, so I wanted to highlight some of the sapphic books out this year from Black authors! Quite a few came out in January, so you can buy those now, but this is also the perfect time to preorder the books coming out later this year. I want to throw some quickRead More
A Memoir of Medical Bias—Bless the Blood: A Cancer Memoir by Walela Nehanda
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! Bless The Blood: A Cancer Memoir is a striking book that gets under your skin and stays there for days afterward. Though billed as a YA book, the writing and story hold a depth of feeling and insight that will engage far older readers, too.Read More
A Queer Take on Dragon Riding: So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! So Let Them Burn by Kamilah Cole is a Jamaican-inspired YA fantasy. I would like to thank the publisher Little, Brown Young Readers for sending the Lesbrary a review copy. I enjoyed this book a lot, and think it’s a great addition to the genre. There’sRead More
Colonialism and Revolution in Fantasy France: The Faithless by C. L. Clark
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! When I finished The Unbroken by C. L. Clark, I wasn’t sure I was going to continue with the series. It was brilliant, yes: thought-provoking and gut-wrenching, with commentary on colonialism and a passionate, doomed F/F romantic subplot. The strengths of the book, though—theRead More
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