This is an entire collection of short stories, but I am only focusing on the titular short story for this review. “The Memory Librarian” follows Seshet, the Director Librarian of New Dawn who monitors citizens’ memories. In New Dawn, the government cleanses citizens of troublesome memories that cause pain, fear and confusion. It allows peopleRead More
If Shirley Jackson Wrote Severance: Last to Leave the Room by Caitlin Starling
The first thing you’ll notice when reading the blurbs for Last to Leave the Room is that every reader seems to think it’s a different genre. Isaac Fellman says it “reads like Shirley Jackson writing an episode of Severance.” Apparently, this is a technothriller sci-fi speculative gothic horror novel, which I can’t say I’ve ever seenRead More
A Disabled Jewish Lesbian Time Loop Story: Time and Time Again by Chatham Greenfield
I love a time loop story, so I had to pick up up this sapphic YA take on the trope—especially one with with fat and disabled characters on the cover! In the first chapter, Phoebe is living August 6th for the 26th time in a row. Every day is the same, and every day sheRead More
When Duty and Love Conflict and Coincide: 3 Sapphic Bodyguard Romances
There are few dynamics more swoon-worthy to me than a bodyguard romance: all of the pining of star-crossed lovers constantly at each other’s side, intense trust and protection, and often some sort of courtly intrigue. To make this sort of relationship work, the characters must be achingly careful and ultimately go through a drastic statusRead More
Cult Leader, Zealot, or Savior?: The Genesis of Misery by Neon Yang
Buy this from to support local bookstores and the Lesbrary! Misery Nomaki (she/they) wields the power to manipulate holystone, an ability only saints or those void-touched have. She believes she is void mad, while the angel that guides her, Ruin, tells her she is the next Messiah. But regardless of what is the truth,Read More