Part of the fun of running this blog is experimenting with different books. I haven’t read a lot of genre books, so running the Lesbrary has given me a chance to try them out. Unfortunately, I think Raven’s Mask wasn’t the best choice for me. It’s the second in a series, and although it explains enough that it can stand on its own, I think it would feel more natural if I had read the first one. It’s also a paranormal mystery, and I’m not really accustomed to mysteries or paranormal fiction.
Also, I didn’t really feel like the mystery had its own arc; the romance and paranormal aspects sort of took over. Not only is the main character a werewolf and she’s dating a vampire, but she also is a witch… who can also shape-shift into a raven… because she has a special connection with a goddess… [spoiler] and she has faerie blood [end spoiler].
Still, this is probably 90% just me and my tastes. The writing was pretty good, though a little heavy on the similes, and I think it would be much stronger when read after the first in the series, so ymmv.