Readathon Hours 7 & 8


Currently reading: White Is For Witching by Helen Oyeyemi

And how is it? I like it! I’m still not sure I really get it yet, but I like it. I was starting to worry “This book does have queer content, right?” and now I’ve gotten confirmation that yes, yes it does. So that always adds to the enjoyment. I really like Ore so far.

Pages read this hour: Hour 7: 25 pages, hour 8: 50 pages

Pages read in total: 365

Books finished: Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

Food eaten: Peanut stew with rice and toast, and the last of the toffee.

Interruptions: I got sucked into reading about authors who stalk reviewers.

Anything else? Pance (the cat) is still irritated that I’m paying more attention to the book than him. He kept trying to fall asleep with his head on the page and would glare when I had to turn it. He’s super cute, though, so I don’t mind.